Sustainable Harvest Level

Introduction to sustainable harvesting in the Western Forest Products (WFP) DFA
’12 page document on website of Western Forest Products 2006.
“The following paper is intended to provide a relatively simple summary of the various concepts and factors that are related to determining sustainable harvest levels in the DFA. Of note, the DFA discussed throughout is only the Westem Forest Products DFA. A driver for this paper has been the question posed by the WIWAG: What is a sustainable harvest level for the DFA? The goal therefore is to ensure that the concepts and factors, and their relationships over time, are understood.” Who is WFP? “Western Forest Products is a leading forest products company that manufactures high-quality wood products and sustainably manages forests.” For more context, view WFP’s Sustainable Forest Management Plan

Feedstock Availability and Cost in Nova Scotia By County and Specific Locations
NS Innovation Hub/FP Innovations Aug 2021, 71 page doc.

Screen Capture from Section on “Sustainable Wood Harvest”,
pages 14-15 in NS Innovation Hub/FP Innovations  Doc (2021)