KWILMU’KW MAW-KLUSUAQN – We Are Seeking Consensus
Website at “We work on behalf of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia in discussions with the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada on how the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia will implement their Treaty Rights, as provided by our ancestors in the covenant chain of Treaties signed in the 1700’s. This site is constantly updated with information, educational materials and ways to provide input and guidance on our work, so please check back regularly.” On Forestry: Current forestry practices in Nova Scotia, in the perspective of the Assembly, places far too much emphasis on cutting and re-planting forest resources on an industrial scale, for immediate financial gain with insufficient priority given to forest, water and wildlife health and sustainability. The Mi’kmaq are a Nation that practices Netukulimk which includes taking what we need to sustain ourselves today, but is also mindful of future generations.”
Kespukwitk Conservation Collaborative (KCC)
“The Kespukwitk Conservation Collaborative (KCC) is a partnership of Mi’kmaq First Nations, Indigenous organizations, non-government organizations, academic institutions, and federal and provincial government departments. We work to improve species at risk and biodiversity conservation in Kespukwitk (Southwest Nova Scotia) through collaborative research, sharing of knowledge and on-the ground actions. The Kespukwitk Conservation Collaborative was established in 2017 in response to increasing recognition of the need for new, innovative approaches that integrate conservation needs for multiple species within an ecosystem-based, adaptive management framework. The approach is strengthened through Etuapmumk, or Two-Eyed Seeing, and acknowledges the benefits of both the Mi’kmaw concept of Netukulimk, and a mainstream science perspective to integrate conservation actions within Kespukwitk.”
Women of this Land series on CBC Gem
Women of This Land’ is a 4-part documentary series about Indigenous women in Atlantic Canada and how they connect to land and culture
–Dr. Imelda Perley Opolahsomuwehs: Women Of This Land
March 8, 2024. 180 min. In this episode – Dr. Imelda Perley
– shalan joudry: Women Of This Land
March 8, 2024|22 min
–Darlene Bernard: Women Of This Land. Aired on March 8, 2024. Duration of 22 minutes.
– Jennie Williams: Women Of This Land. Aired on March 8, 2024.
Mi’kmawey Forestry
Mi’kmawey Forestry’s mission is: “To support Mi’kmaw participation in the transformation of Nova Scotia’s forests through the practice and promotion of Netukulimk.” From About-us “Mi’kmawey Forestry believes in a wholistic forestry approach. Wholistic forestry realizes the importance of Netukulimk: taking only what you need and leaving something for future generations. Wholistic thinking is melded with today’s forestry treatments and management techniques promoting a balance between immediate economic needs, protection of the forest life and maintaining standing forests for our future. The interdependence of all living things and their essential contribution to the health and sustenance of the natural environment is respected and maintained. The philosophy of wholistic forestry does not exclude humans and their interaction with the forest but rather balances human interests equally with the interest of all other components of the forest ecosystem.”
Learn Mi’kmaw with shalan joudry: Tree Names (YouTube Video)
On Community Forests International YouTube Channel, Posted May 8. “We’re excited to share with you the second in a series of short language videos generously created and shared by L’nu storyteller, ecologist, and cultural interpreter, shalan joudry. Indigenous languages and names are closely connected to the land and to place. These deeply rooted relationships are part of many Indigenous worldviews of care and stewardship for the land — relationships that have allowed forests and communities to thrive for thousands of years. We know that Indigenous-led solutions are key for protecting and restoring the Wabanaki forest for future generations; and that these solutions are best understood in their original languages. Here in the Wabanaki’k region, we invite you to learn the local Wolastoqiyik and Mi’kmaq names for its many trees, animals, and plant life. For more about shalan and Nestuitasi Storytelling, visit:
We story the land
Documentary Video by Martha Stiegman and Sherry Pictou/Rippling Current media (viewed originally on Nova Scotia Advocate 2018/10/27) “The documentary follows seven paddlers from L’sɨtkuk (Bear River First Nation) as they travel inland following almost forgotten traditional Mi’kmaq canoe routes.” 26 min. Rippling Current Media 2016. “The Bear River reserve boundary cuts the people of L’sitkuk off from their ancestors’ hunting and fishing grounds. But there are old canoe routes that leave from the reserve, and cross the territory; and people here are working to reclaim them. WE STORY THE LAND follows seven paddlers as they travel through the land, to reconnect with a part of their history and a part of themselves.”
Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek Mi’kmaw Place Names
“In 2010, Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Website Project (formerly Pjila’si Mi’kma’ki: Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Website Project) was launched to document approximately 13,000 years of Mi’kmaw presence within Mi’kma’ki, the place of the Mi’kmaq, and to raise public awareness of this ancient history…To date, the research team has recorded approximately 1,500 place names collected through interviews with Mi’kmaw Elders and other knowledge holders…”
Walking Among the Ancients: The Rare Wabanaki-Acadian Old-Growth Forest
On CBC Ideas with Nahlah Ayed, Aired: June 11, 2024. 54 min. “The World Wildlife Fund lists the Wabanaki-Acadian old-growth forest as endangered — with only one percent remaining. The Wabanaki-Acadian forest stretches from parts of the Maritimes and Southern Quebec down into New England states. IDEAS explores the beauty and complexity of this ancient forest.”
Balancing the Narrative: Communications Guidelines for Indigenous-led Conservation
Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership, 2023 “These guidelines offer anti-oppressive practices, considerations, and approaches for communicating with and about Indigenous conservation leadership within the Canadian context. This document acts as a framework through which to co-develop communications strategies, approaches, and content with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis partners in respectful, reciprocal, and responsible ways.”
IPCA Knowledge Basket
Website. “A digital space created to honour, celebrate, and catalyze Indigenous-led conservation pathways in Canada, including Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
Puktewei: Learning from Fire in Mi’kma’ki (Mi’kmaq Territory)
Shalan Joudry, MES thesis, Dalhosuie University, 2016. Throughout history humans have lived with fires on the land. Land fires over Turtle Island (North America) are influenced by climate, lightning, ecology, and cultural uses. Recently, non- Indigenous governments have sought information about wildfires for land management in relation to forestry, public safety and conservation. Current perspectives about fire behavior, fire ecology and fire history in Atlantic Canada are largely grounded in mainstream science. Little has been researched about Mi’kmaw relationship with fire (puktew) in Mi’kma’ki, the territory of the Mi’kmaq. This relationship is explored through academic inquiry based in culturally-relevant and community-centered priorities and ways of knowing. Learnings were sought from Elders/Knowledge Holders across three cultural districts in Nova Scotia. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relationships with puktew were described. These teachings demonstrate cultural connections to puktew and unique fire regimes in each district. Mi’kmaw research methodologies highlighted cyclical ways of learning and sharing stories back to community.