who is NSFTEF

NSFTEF: Nova Scotia Forestry Economic Task Force

From who.is
The domain nsfetf.com was registered on Nov 22, 2021

Website: nsftef.com
Other than the byline “Supporting sustainable growth in Nova Scotia’s forestry sector”, no mission statement is given on the website. Under Home: it is stated only “Contact is to learn more”. The website has sections on Reports and Analysis, Committees, Board of Directors, Downloads, Helpful Links.  13 Directors are currently (Aug 2024) cited; photos are given, but no biographies.  The first shown is Alan Eddy, at one-time a Senior Forester with Nova Scotia Power, then a top bureaucrat in government (amongst them: Associate Deputy Director Deputy, NS DNR, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives; Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and Aquaculture), since 2018 manager of business development for Port Hawkesbury Paper; he is a long-standing advocate of biomass energy.  Others: Rod Badcock, Peter Robichaud, Jeff Bishop, Amanda Mombourquette, Jocylin Taylor Archibald, Rene Landry, Gordon MacDonald, Donald Hanson, Mark Baillie, Geoff Clarke, Kevin Mariam, Stephen Moore.

From topline.com
“Our Mission is to provide a platform for the Nova Scotia forestry sector to engage with key stakeholders in order to create a shared vision that recognizes the sustainable, environmental and economic potential of Nova Scotia’s forests. Our Vision is to develop an empirically based, economically focused strategic plan: the ‘Forestry Economic Opportunities Plan’ which will be used to support the work of the Task Force in fostering sustainable investment attraction and growth in the Nova Scotia Forest Industry’”

From who.is
The domain nsfetf was registered on Nov 22, 2021

Two More Forestry Projects Funded; Next Round of Applications Opens
NS Gov/Economic Development News Release, Oct 15, 2021 “The Forestry Economic Task Force will receive more than $2.6 million to develop a roadmap to sustain and grow Nova Scotia’s forestry sector. The task force will oversee an industry-led, collaborative approach to identify key economic challenges, market trends and opportunities for the industry. Quick Facts: members of the Forestry Economic Task Force, a not-for-profit organization, include Forest Nova Scotia, the Wood Product Manufacturers Association of Nova Scotia, NSCC (Truro), Maritime Lumber Bureau, Nova Scotia Innovation Hub, Canadian Woodlands Forum, Cumberland Forestry Advisory Committee and 14 independently owned forestry businesses

CBC News Oct 18, 2021: Forestry trust fund doles out $12.4M to 2 projects
“…Friday’s announcement also included $2.6 million for the industry-led Forestry Economic Task Force. Allan Eddy, a member of the task force and business development manager at Port Hawkesbury Paper, said they’ll spend the next two years building a plan for the sector that considers new and different economic opportunities. Eddy said the lumber boom during the pandemic highlighted the need for value-added products and the opportunities that could exist. In particular, Eddy said they’re looking at how wood could replace the use of other products, such as petroleum. “Virtually anything that can be made from petroleum can be made from wood and wood products,” he said. “But it’s not just as simple as saying, ‘Well, there’s this technology or there is this product and look how much money it can make.'” Eddy said the group must also understand how any opportunities work in the context of Nova Scotia’s wood supply, capacity to meet demand, size of the workforce and social concerns.