Chain Lake Wilderness Area (proposed)

Ecol. Forestry & Conservation/
… … 20% Protection by 2030/
… … … Chain Lake Wilderness Area (proposed)/ (THIS PAGE)
… … … … CLWA Photos

From Protect the Chain Lake Wilderness Area (page on the website for the Blomidon Field Naturalists):

Where is the Area?
It is in the southwest corner of Kings County. The yellow areas include the crown lands proposed for protection based on aerial, forestry mapping and ground and surveys. These are current proposed boundaries but these would be clarified through the planning process for the area

“The Blomidon Naturalists Society is proposing a new wilderness area for Crown land in southwest Kings County.  Why this place?

– The southwest corner of Kings County is the only major section of Crown land in the County that remains largely forested without human habitation.
– There are pockets of old growth, forests that are older than 80 years, beautiful lakes, and pristine still waters and wetlands.
– Numerous endangered species have been identified in the area—the Canada Warbler, olive-sided flycatchers, wisqoq (black ash), and very rare lichens. There are snapping turtle nests, foraging chimneys swifts and nighthawks, and even the elusive rusty blackbird.
– There is much to celebrate and protect, the pockets need to be linked as a wildlife corridor, and the cut areas can be restored given protection and time.”

View BFN for more info, photos, videos.

Protecting a Special Place — The Chain Lakes Wilderness Area
by Alan Warner in Beyond the Tides, Spring 2024 issue, pp 20-23 ““Thatʼs the biggest tree I have ever seen in Nova Scotia!” Those were the first words out of Valerie Campbellʼs mouth as she approached a giant yellow birch not too far from the shores of Upper Gully Lake in southwest Kings County on a sunny day in early April. The tree is one of many within the 12,000-hectare area that the Blomidon Naturalists have proposed to the Nova Scotia government for wilderness protection…Another important aspect of the initiative has been connecting with Chris and Anna Hutchinson, who own Hutchinson Maple Syrup, a large, organic, commercial maple syrup business on leased public land, which borders on the protected area. They are very supportive of protection, and we support the expansion of their sugar bush on the edges of the protected area. Our aims are synonymous: to protect and restore old forests and the biodiversity within them. Although an organic, maple syrup operation is not allowed within a protected area, it is a sustainable use of land which provides a range of benefits for creatures and people.”
Sugar Maple Stands & Ecological Forestry (Audio)
Blomidon Naturalists In Conversation series, Sep 27, 2024. “In this episode, we chat with local sugarbush farmer Chris Hutchinson, whose ecological forestry practices help keep over 700 acres of forest healthy. Then we chat with Alan Warner about the proposed Chain Lakes Wilderness area and how those same ecological forestry practices can help safe guard our forest for the future.”
Public Meeting on the proposed Chain Lakes Wilderness Area Mon Oct 28, 2024
Special Announcement. Includes a link to YouTube Video with drone imagery of forestry road
CLWA Photos
Page on this website, photos on-site Oct 20, 2024 illustrating rutted logging road, log piles and a some of the forest scheduled to be cut.