“Ecologically sensitive harvesting of an “over-mature stand with “Smaller Machines & Bigger Trees” Details
Links, info. pages, essays etc. pertaining to Ecological Forestry & Conservation in Nova Scotia
– Major Sources (NS)
– Mgmt Docs
– Forest Dynamics
– Wildlife
– 20% Protection by 2030
– Calcium depletion/Acidification
– Climate Change
– Deforestation & Forest Degradation
– Watershed-level Management
– Fire Management
– HWA (Hemlock Wooly Adelgid)
– Historical Lit
– Commentaries/Op-eds
Ecological Forestry, Definitions
Government of Nova Scotia: “Ecological forestry is a fundamental shift that protects ecosystems and biodiversity, supports economic growth, and keeps forests healthy and sustainable.” [Source] They equate Ecological Foretsry with implementation of Triad: “About ecological forestry. Ecological forestry divides Crown land into 3 zones that work together to balance a range of interests. The 3 zones of the triad model are: conservation zone, high production forest zone, and mixed forest or matrix zone.”
2018 textbook by Jerry Franklin, Norman Johnson, and Debora Johnson, Ecological Forest Management: “Ecological forestry recognizes that forests are ecosystems with diverse biota, complex structure, and multiple functions, and not simply collections of trees valuable primarily for production of wood. In doing so, it seeks to maintain the fundamental capacities (integrity) of the forest ecosystems to which it is applied.” [Cited at https://www.nnrg.org/our-services/ecological-forestry-definition/]
Further reading suggested by NNRG (Northwest Natural Resource Group, USA)
– Principles of Ecological Forestry by R.S. Seymour & M.L. Hunter, Jr. 1999. P. 22-61 in Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems, Hunter, M.L. Jr. (ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 698
– Natural Disturbance and Stand Development Principles for Ecological Forestry by Jerry F. Franklin Robert J. Mitchell Brian J. Palik, 2007. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Northern Research Station General Technical Report NRS-19. 48 pages