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Subpage of this page: Biofuels from Nova Scotia Forests?
Invest Nova Scotia on Why Best-out-of-waste: Why bioeconomy companies are choosing Nova Scotia, Canada
“Nova Scotia, known for its stunning coastlines, vibrant culture and unrivaled hospitality, is fast becoming a leader in renewable natural resource innovation. In particular, the bioeconomy is on the rise and Nova Scotia’s unique ecosystem is gaining global interest.
“The bioeconomy sources, distributes, uses, reuses and finds new applications for renewable bioresources; using crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms to produce everything from food, health, products, energy, and more.
“The growing bioeconomy in Nova Scotia is fuelled by biomass from industries such as forestry. Emerging industries like energy storage and clean technologies send raw materials that would otherwise be discarded to biorefineries to be used as feedstocks.
“…Suzanne Fraser, Investment Attraction Executive at Invest Nova Scotia, echoes the sentiment of these and so many other companies in the bioeconomy space who can’t imagine doing business anywhere else.
“Nova Scotia has everything companies in this space need to be successful – supply chain access, the right feedstock, welcoming industry partners, lots of industry support via organizations like the Verschuren Centre and Greenspring Bioinnovation Hub, and access to global markets. It’s truly exciting to watch the bioeconomy industry in Nova Scotia evolve and compete globally.”
Nova Scotia Bioeconomy Sites
“Partner with Nova Scotia, The perfect location for your next bioeconomy site..
Why a bioeconomy in Nova Scotia? Nova Scotia’s bioeconomy is an interconnected, circular economy which uses and re-uses renewable natural resources and waste streams to create innovative value-added products.The bioeconomy sector in Nova Scotia is booming. A wide network of support organizations, sustainable, reliable, and affordable feedstocks, and state-of-the-art infrastructure are all available throughout the province. Learn more about what Nova Scotia has to offer.” A project of the Greenspring Bioinnovation Hub (NS Gov)
Some of the players/startups etc. that may or will impact our forests ——DRAFTING——
COMMENT: We need to assess the potential cumulative impacts of bioeconomy projects on our forests and wood supply. In general, I see many positive “bioeconomy” initiatives occurring in NS, many sponsored or encouraged by NS Gov programs. By listing the “players” here, I do not mean to imply concern about a particular project or initiative, indeed I see some or even most of them as innovative, well thought out etc. My concern is with the cumulative impacts of a whole suite of new projects on our forests which, as far as I/we (NSFM writers) can determine, are not being critically assessed by NS GOV/DNR/DECC. In the long run and perhaps in the shorter run, that could be bad for business, bad for taxpayers, AND bad for our forests.
I am member of several groups that have tried to raise such concerns with our provincial government Premier & Ministers over the last several years, but to no avail: they don’t want “us” on committees, they don’t want to talk us, and replies to most letters are simply form replies. Communications with professional staff are very restricted*. It wouldn’t be the first time: the Nova Scotia government has some history of bad investments (I am old enough to remember Clairtone), made in large part when the government of the day was not open to constructive criticism of this sort and in general, operated “behind closed doors”. – david p Dec 20, 2024 |
– GOV Nova Scotia Forestry Innovation Transition Trust
“The Forestry Innovation Transition Trust is a $50 million fund focused on accelerating new opportunities within the Nova Scotia Forestry Sector to enhance environmental, social and economic values and adoption of new ecological forestry practices.” The trust supports projects that help:develop new high value products, develop or enhance business models, processes or services, create new inclusive economic growth opportunities in forestry, create new ecological services, including carbon sequestration. Some of funding: 23Appr 2023: The Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment is receiving $926,500 to further support the development of the Bio-technology and Bio-manufacturing Acceleration Centre in Sydney. It aims to advance commercialization of key forestry and biomass sector innovative technology companies. July 22, 2022: the Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment will receive $698,500 for Phase 2 of its Bio-technology Acceleration Centre; MTC Mass Timber Company Inc. will receive $325,000 for feasibility testing for commercial production of mass timber in the province. 4 Feb 2021: The Innovation Hub of Nova Scotia Inc. will receive $921,000 to support forestry related bioeconomy clients at the pre-commercial stage to overcome technical and business hurdles in their development. The Hub and its partners are working to transform Nova Scotia’s renewable resources and underused waste streams into economic opportunities for the province by producing sustainable, renewable and recyclable products. The Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment (VC Inc.) at Cape Breton University is receiving $672,500 over the next six months to support the development of a Bio-technology Acceleration Centre to help advance key forestry and biomass sector innovative technology companies towards commercialization.
– GOV Greenspring Bioinnovation Hub
The Greenspring Bioinnovation Hub (formerly Nova Scotia Innovation Hub) was established in 2015 to foster opportunities in the bioeconomy. The organization works to transform Nova Scotia’s renewable resources into opportunities for the province’s economy and people. It is focused on improving access to feedstock supply, fostering collaborations to capitalize on the growing demand for low-carbon products, and providing financial support to help companies achieve critical commercialization milestones. For more information, please visit greenspringbio.ca.
– GOV Invest Nova Scotia
“Invest Nova Scotia offers programs, services, advice, and other resources that Nova Scotia companies need to grow. Early stage deep technology start-ups are a key focus area for the organization, supporting them through venture capital, incubation facilities, expert advice, and other acceleration initiatives. For more information, visit www.investnovascotia.ca.” A NS Crown Corporation created in 2022
–GOV Research Nova Scotia
Research Nova Scotia supports, organizes, and coordinates research. With the curiosity to imagine a better world, and the determination to make it real, we champion the people and resources needed to improve the lives of Nova Scotians. Our research strategy has been organized into four areas: sustainable bioeconomy, climate change adaptation and resilience, healthy people and health care systems, and improved quality of life for Nova Scotians, representing some of the most pressing needs of the province. Each area is made up of four corresponding missions, which help to give shape to the ways research can contribute to achieving progress for Nova Scotia.
Funded in 2024/5:
– Project: Thermochemical and Hydrothermal Upgrading of Low-Grade Forestry Residues to High-Value Biofuels and Biochar
Dr. Sonil Nanda Dalhousie University RNS Funding Contribution: $361,000 Total Project Value: $514,000 Funding Partners: Nova Scotia Forestry Innovation Transition Trust (FITT) Key Words: biochar, biofuels, circular economy, forestry biomass, Hythane, waste valorization
EOI (Expression of Interest in an FRI – Focussed Research Investment): Dr. Mita Dasog, Dr. Michael Freund, Dalhousie University and The Verschuren Centre/Eastward Energy, EverWind Fuels, NRC, NetZero Atlantic/Nova Scotia’s Pathway to Green Hydrogen: Sustainable Generation and Utilization (NS-GHU).
~GOV* The Verschuren Centre Inc.
“The Verschuren Centre Inc. (VC) is an independent clean technology development and deployment facility. We offer client-tailored services to support companies in developing sustainable solutions that meet industry needs.” *Not clear from the website of the extent to which the VC is dependent on, run by Gov., presumably the major source of funding. Under “Our Address” it lists “Main Location at 1250 Grand Lake Road,Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada” and “Invest Nova Scotia Office: 400-1871 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada” A search of Verschuren Centre on novascotia.ca lists some of the funding. Large list of clients including some that have received a lot of government funding over the years.
– Aeon Blue – Lark Meadow, Deóis (Yoshi) Ua – Sydney
Technology using wind energy, seawater, and captured carbon dioxide from air to make cost-efficient electrofuel. (Invest NS startup)
(with or without significant government funding)
“alterBiota is a green materials company focused on cost effective concrete decarbonization. Concrete is one of the most ubiquitous materials on earth but making it is extremely carbon-intensive. Through an innovative and highly scalable approach we make a natural admixture called hydrous Bio Graphene Oxide (hBGO) that enables concrete producers to use less Portland cement while storing stable, biomass derived carbon permanently in concrete infrastructure.” Listed as a client of the The Verschuren Centre Inc.
– Agapyo – Jeff Kostos, Alina Grenier-Arellano, Monika Rak – Sydney – $40,000
Biodegradable and bio-sourced replacement for petroleum-based ABS plastic in consumer products (InvestNS Startup)
Uses FSC certified forest products (amongst others)
Bearhead Energy
“Bear Head Energy is planning to develop, construct and operate a large-scale green hydrogen and ammonia production, storage & loading facility located in the Point Tupper Industrial Park on the Strait of Canso on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The project is permitted up to 2 gigawatts of electrolyzer capacity and is expected to be developed in phases. The Strait of Canso is Eastern Canada’s deepest year-round ice-free port and has short shipping distances to key European and U.S. energy markets. In addition to $130 million already spent on civil engineering and construction, Point Tupper offers significant existing infrastructure with ample fresh water and salt cavern storage resources nearby…Bear Head Energy is exploring the development of wind farms in Pictou and Guysborough Counties to produce the energy needed to power the Bear Head Energy hydrogen and ammonia production facility. The two wind farms combined would have 1,000 MW of generating capacity…Bear Head Energy intends to meet both global and domestic demand with its green hydrogen and ammonia.”
– BioApplied Innovation Pathways
“BioApplied™ is a consulting firm that specializes in helping clients deliver innovation. Our focus is on advanced technologies in renewable resource sectors. We support clients who are developing new products, new services, new processes, new industrial partnerships, and building new businesses through innovation. DARTMOUTH LOCATION: 1 Research Drive, Suite 107 Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4M9 SYDNEY LOCATION: Verschuren Centre for Sustainability 1250 Grand Lake Rd, Suite CS-201 Sydney, NS B1P 6L2” Apparently the company has been around since 2011. It was involved in the NS-based Cellufuel initiative , based at the old Bowater Mill site, to produce biodiesel from wood wastes; FP Innovations was a partner in that process (2017 document), but ultimately supported a Quebec based operation, and Cellufuel waned. (It’s not clear if the La Tuque Quebec facility has yet materialized.)
– Bioburn Pros
“BioBurn Pros Inc. is Atlantic Canada’s newest forward-thinking green business and is leading the charge in sustainable biomass processing. Our mobile equipment provides on-site solutions that employ a carbon neutral process…Cut your capital costs associated to processing or transporting wood waste while eliminating black carbon smoke from the atmosphere, we can be seen helping in forestry, agriculture, landfill recovery and management, disaster remediation and wood and vegetative infestation management.” President – Joe Lewis COMMENT Highly touted by Stephen Moore when he was with ForestNS in their Forestry Uncut Podcast#4 The Hero’s Journey in Forestry, Oct 16, 2024
– Brooklyn Biomass Power Plant (Emera)
The project is currently owned by Emera with a stake of 100%. The project generates 173GWh of electricity. Brooklyn Biomass Power Plant is a combined heat and power (CHP) project. Wood waste which is a kind of wood by-product is used as a feedstock to power the project. The project consists of 1 turbine with 30MW nameplate capacity.Source: https://www.power-technology.com/marketdata/brooklyn-biomass-power-plant-canada/
– Freeman Lumber
“The Freeman Family has operated mills in Greenfield for almost 200 years. Although we’ve upgraded plenty since Gorham Freeman’s first water-powered mill, Freeman Lumber has maintained its commitment to being among Canada’s most modern and sustainable lumber facilities.” Listed as a Bioeconomy site (see above) and a client of the The Verschuren Centre Inc. No explicit info on Freeman website as to their Bioeconomy involvement/projects, Cited as a participant in Plenary Session 4 – Valorizing Byproduct Wood Fibre, of the 2024 Biocon Conference program (held May 28-30, 2024 at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax) (Panel: Billy Freeman, Freeman Lumber; Geoff Clarke, Port Hawkesbury Paper; Jamie Lewis, Lewis Mouldings; Jonathan Levesque, Groupe Savoie; Moderated by: Stephen Moore, Forest Nova Scotia). From a paper on Wood Waste Valorization “Bio-based polymers, obtained from natural biomass, are nowadays considered good candidates for the replacement of traditional fossil-derived plastics. The valorization technique has numerous benefits over conventional organic fraction collecting and treatment technologies. These treatments use the organic portion as an energy source by burning or composting it”
– LeFarge &Geocycle
“Lafarge Canada and Geocycle Canada, members of the Holcim Group, and the Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD), have opened a low-carbon fuel plant – a more than $10-million facility located at the Lafarge Canada Brookfield Cement Plant in Nova Scotia. The new facility will reduce the plant’s reliance on traditional fuels by replacing up to 50 per cent of natural gas used for one of its kilns. This alternative thermal energy is derived from construction demolition waste, primarily discarded wood that would otherwise end up in landfills and emit methane…When in full production, the new plant will divert approximately 14,000 tonnes of waste away from landfills annually to be pre-processed into low-carbon fuel, minimizing the Brookfield Cement Plant’s reliance on traditional fossil fuels.” – Environment Journal, Oct 8, 2024
– Gaia Refinery
“We are Working to Permanently Restore Earth’s Balance by Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere”
Technology not clear. Cited as a client of the The Verschuren Centre Inc.
– SustainAgro
“The Technology: Gasification is a process that converts carbon-based materials, such as biomass or fossil fuels, into gases like nitrogen (N2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). This is done by reacting the feedstock at high temperatures (over 700°C) without combustion, controlling the oxygen and/or steam present. The resulting gas mixture, called syngas, is flammable and can be used as fuel. Syngas can be more efficient than direct combustion and can be used in fuel cells, though it often requires additional processing to upgrade. When combined with the Fischer-Tropsch process, syngas from gasified biomass is refined into liquid fuels, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” COMMENT: Highly touted by Stephen Moore (now Communications Director for the Premier’s Office) when he was with ForestNS in their Forestry Uncut Podcast#4 The Hero’s Journey in Forestry, Oct 16, 2024
– Phycus Biotechnologies
“Our Mission: The linear model of making products that begins with extraction and concludes with end-of-life disposal has created 3 global scale problems, Greenhouse gas emissions, Environmental pollution, Plastic waste on human health. We Need to Radically Transform the Chemicals Industry. Our mission starts with Glycolic Acid.Introducing Pyrollic acid. Purolic Acid™ is our 100% biobased glycolic acid. Purolic Acid™ is made from a renewable feedstock that originate as FSC Certified Wood. Our microbes produce glycolic acid through fermentation that is similar to making beer and wine. By choosing to use renewable plant-derived raw materials for Purolic Acid™, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Purolic Acid™ starts off as CO2 from the atmosphere. So, when it eventually biodegrades as all consumer products do, it returns to the atmosphere from where it was initially sourced. Purolic Acid™ is designed for the highest quality applications in mind. Skincare.” A client of the The Verschuren Centre Inc. An Ontario based company (Phycus Biotechnologies Inc. #5 – 151 Bentley St. Markham ON L3R 3X9).
Port Hawkesbury Paper
“Ten Years of Success and Counting. We are on a mission to be a leader in Thermal Mechanical Pulp and Supercalendered paper production in North America—while at the same time being a great place to work, environmentally responsible and a strong contributor to the province of Nova Scotia.” No bioeconomy projects are cited on website but and it cited on Nova Scotia Bioeconomy Sites thus:
Overview. This site is one of few that offers highway, marine, and rail access for your industrial transportation needs. Located in Port Hawkesbury, NS, the Port Hawkesbury Paper location can accommodate a variety of industrial developments. With an array of available bioeconomy inputs, you may have just found your next bioeconomy site.
The mill is the site of the largest forest biomass energy generator in NS which operates quasi-independently from The Mill and sell electricity to NS Power. See Separate but connected: Biomass power and Port Hawkesbury Paper in Canadian Biomass, 2015.
The 60 kg/sec output is equal to the 60 MW of power that NSP wants to be able to generate at capacity. According to NSP, 60 MW will provide the power needed for approximately 50,000 homes. However, there are also the demands of Port Hawkesbury Paper to take into account, which uses approximately 25 per cent of the produced power when the mill is operating at capacity. Overall, the entire power production represents as much as 3.5 per cent of the province’s power-generation needs.
PHP also operates a windfarm – see phpwind.ca
Acquiring fibre
One of the biggest hurdles to meeting the desired output is the acquisition of fibre. Producing 60 MW on a consistent basis, and an estimated 350-gigawatt hours per year, means consuming up to 2,000 green tonnes of biomass per day and a total of up to 500,000 green tonnes per year. “We actively buy bark from other sawmill producers,” says Jeff Campbell, plant manager for Nova Scotia Power at Point Tupper. “We also have woodland contractors that are out securing biomass for us, primarily from the seven counties surrounding our site.”
“Port Hawkesbury Paper maintains a Crown license agreement with the province of Nova Scotia to sustainably manage approximately 520,000 hectares (over 2,000 square miles) of public land. Since 2001, the company has maintained forest management certification systems and is currently certified to the forest management standards of Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI).”
Simply Blue
View: Simply Blue Group to develop major sustainable aviation fuel hub in Goldboro, Nova Scotia
– Torchlight Bioresources & Heat New Glascow
397 Main Street, Mahone Bay, NS “We are systems thinkers. We work at the interface of the energy, forestry, agriculture, and waste sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower costs, and improve environmental outcomes.” COMMENT The current status of the Heat new Glascow Project in not clear.
– Vyterra Renewable
“The Nova Scotia Project Vyterra’s current focus is the development of the Nova Scotia Project, a 40 million litre/year (10 million gallon/year) Low Carbon Fuel Oil (LCFO) production facility being developed in central Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia project is co-located with Ledwidge Lumber, in Enfield, Nova Scotia, one of Nova Scotia’s largest sawmills. Ledwidge is a strategic partner and primary feedstock provider for the project…” From An Exciting Future for Ledwidge Lumber by George Fullerton, Feb 16, 2024″
“Ledwidge Lumber has entered into a joint venture with Vyterra Renewables, the Canadian subsidiary of Ensyn, to develop a biofuel plant adjacent to their sawmill. Ledwidge has achieved zoning approval to site the plant. The plant will consume mill residual fibre (white wood) to produce heating fuel.
“We have been on the lookout for innovative products to utilize our sawmill residuals for a long time,” shared Tuple. “Vyterra’s biofuel process has been successful in Ontario, Quebec and in the U.S. for over 30 years, and when Vyterra came forward with a proposal for a partnership, we jumped at the opportunity
This will be the first decarbonization facility in Atlantic Canada to convert sawmill residues into low-carbon liquid fuels. The markets for sawmill residuals such as bark, wood chips, and sawdust are variable, and there is an excess of these residual
products, as well as low-grade wood that was once used as pulp wood in the province. This plant will provide a market for the residuals and will become a dependable, value-added solution for sawmill residuals and the biofuel produced will assist our province in reducing its carbon footprint.”
Vyterra is cited as a client of The Verschuren Centre Inc (accessed Dec 21, 2024).
SBP-Certified Operators in Nova Scotia
(SBP: Sustainable Biomass Program)
As of Dec 21, 2024
– Great Northern Timber Inc.
Main Office: 201 1883 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS 83J 1S9, Canada
–Northern Fibre Terminal, Inc.
Main Office: 605 Marine Gateway Drive, Sheet Harbour, B0J 2B0, Canada
– Shaw Renewables – Hardwood Lands
Main Office: 9105 Highway 14, Milford, B0N 1Y0, Canada
Production Office: 1239 Sandy Desert Road, Hardwoodlands, B0N 1Y0, Canada
– Shaw Renewables – Belledune (New Brunswick)
Main Office: 52 Hodgin Road, Belledune, E8G 2E3, Canada (Cited here because of company base in NS)