Prescribed Fire

Legal standing for prescribed burns among proposed changes to B.C. forest laws
By Simon Little and Cassidy Mosconi, Global News October 31, 2023

US Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission: Final Report
US Gov. Sep 27, 2023. Ch 1 in the Final Report has a section on Use of Beneficial Fire: ” In fire-adapted ecosystems, it is critical to dramatically increase both the frequency and scope of beneficial fire to mitigate wildfire impacts to both landscapes and communities. In addition to this wildfire mitigation function, the landscape-scale use of beneficial fire is necessary for improving ecosystem structure and functions, remediating the effects of decades of fire exclusion, restoring watersheds, and respecting Tribal sovereignty. The deficit of naturally ignited and human-managed fire has already brought deep and long-lasting negative consequences, and the cost of continued inaction – of failing to return fire to the landscape – is high.

Planning a Burn
Province of British Columbia

Prescribed fires
Parks Canada

The Nature Conservancy to Expand Prescribed Fire Workforce and Partnership with the USDA Forest Service, Nov 2, 2023 “New agreements between the Forest Service and TNC will support the use of beneficial fire for landscapes and communities that need it most.”

A US pine species thrives when burnt. Southerners are rekindling a ‘fire culture’ to boost its range
By James Pollard, The Associated Press in, Dec 15, 2023 “Prescribed burn associations are proving key to conservationists’ efforts to restore a longleaf pine range forming the backbone of forest ecology in the American Southeast. ”