Tree Marking

• Fourteen students completed the first official tree marking course in Nova Scotia 20Jun2024
Post by Minga O’Brien on this website, June 20, 2024 “From June 4-7, 2024, it was my pleasure to be an instructor for a tree marking course offered by Nova Scotia Community College’s Centre of Forest Innovation. Accommodation and morning classes took place at NSCC’s College of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, and field sites were situated on Crown lands licensed to the Medway Community Forest Co-op.”

• Ontario Tree Marking Guide
Queen’s Printer for Ontario, © 2004, “…The intent of the guide is to support delivery of the Provincial Tree Marker Training Program, and to provide operational guidance to tree markers who employ the partial cut silvicultural systems in Ontario. Current legislation specifies that management effort must emulate the effects of natural disturbances. Since tree species have evolved mechanisms to respond to disturbance—whether the isolated incidence of windthrow or a landscape level wildfire—it is logical that those response mechanisms would suggest a silvicultural regime. Tree markers must therefore be aware of significant ecological traits such as shade tolerance, seed periodicity, response to release, etc., and understand how to take advantage of those adaptations during a treemarking program…”

• Short Film on Tree Marking
YouTube Video Mar 6, 2012 on the channel.
“This video is about the practice of tree marking – the initial step in Forestry – prior to the harvesting of wood product. Tree Marking is conducted by a Certified Forest Technician.”

• An Introduction to Tree Marking
Guest post by MCFC Board Member Tommy Lutz on Medway Community Forest Blog, January, 2016 “Tree marking is a forest management technique used in forests around the world. It is as simple as its name – individual trees are marked in a forest stand before the stand is “treated”, or has some of the trees cut. Tree marking is used in industrial forestry to ensure that forestry contractors who are using machinery to harvest wood are cutting the right trees to maximize the efficacy of a silvicultural treatment that has been prescribed for the stand by a forester. It also provides a monitoring opportunity, as the system provides an easy opportunity for auditing…”

Page posted 19Jun2024
Initial Links courtesy of Minga O’Brien