by M. H. Drinkwater. 1957 CANADA Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources FORESTRY BRANCH
Canada’s Timber Supply: Current Status and Future Prospects under a Changing Climate
Dan McKenney et al., 2016. 75 pages. Many stats by province and for Canada at large.”We first review historical harvests and allowable cut levels, place Canada’s forests in an international context, and briefly review global timber market studies that examine the implications of a changing climate…The second part of this report uses bioeconomic modelling to examine the national timber supply question from the growing and delivery-to-mills perspective. This analysis, which represents the first effort of its kind at this scale in the country, attempts to model changes in delivered wood supply costs, taking into account the current forest inventory (at a ~500 metre grid resolution) and projected changes in growth and yield and fire disturbance regimes under climate change. For NS here are some key assumptions.
(They seem to assume all forest in NS is available for harvest) Nova Scotia Report on Prices of Standing Timber July 2024 NS Gov. 2024 …. |
– Port Hawkesbury Paper LP Sustainable Long-Term Forest Management Plan for FULA Lands
December 2022
Ratio of total Green Wood to Wood Pellets = 2.10
– Pellet Factory Wood Demand Calculator
Forest Biomass of Living, Merchantable Trees In Nova Scotia
July 2008 Peter Townsend RPF Forest Inventory Section Forestry Division Renewable Resources Branch
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources