Received from NSWOOA this a.m.:
Live, in-the-woods demo of new ecological forestry equipment
By Andrew Kekacs, Executive DirectorThere has been a quiet revolution in forestry equipment over the past few years, one that offers significant benefits to the owners of smaller woodlots.As ecologically sensitive forest practices become more widespread, equipment manufacturers are producing smaller and less expensive machines that can operate efficiently and profitably on smaller parcels. M-C Power Equipment will have a free, in-the-woods display of this equipment from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Friday, Dec. 13, in Renfrew, NS, northwest of Elmsdale.This event is likely to very interesting to both landowners and contractors. NSWOOA and the Family Forest Network will be there to talk about our experiences using this gear in ecological forestry operations over the past year. We are very pleased with the results.
For more information and directions to the event, see the pictures below.
Thanks NSWOOA!
– Thanks for sensitive management of an old forest in Nova Scotia
Post on (Oct 8, 2018) with photos of an earlier NSWOOA/Conform-sponsored field day on “Harvesting the Old-Fashioned Way: Smaller Machines and Bigger Trees”.